There is an increase in interest to fund Mine Action activities and projects which mainstream gender and diversity as well as promote equality and inclusion. The resources featured here showcase good practices and lessons learned, as well as demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of funding activities and projects where Gender and diversity are mainstreamed, and equality and inclusion promoted in explosive ordnance risk reduction. The available documents and videos are based on evidence and learnings from the field and aim to help better inform decision-making processes relating to the funding of gender and diversity sensitive and responsive projects and operations.
Featured Resources
More than 20 years of Women in Demining Teams in Kosovo
Through this project, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) revisited and celebrated the role of women working in demining teams in Kosovo both twenty years ago and today.

Gender and Operational Efficiency
This study explores the relationship between gender and operational efficiency in the context of staff in field-based mine action roles.

Access to land: driver of conflict or enabler of inclusive and sustainable peace?
A conversation on why inclusive approaches to both explosive ordnance clearance and housing, land and property rights are crucial to building sustainable peace.

Gender & Diversity in Contracting and Grants Management
This toolkit has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in contracting and grants management documentation and practices.

Afghanistan’s First Female Deminers
The report looks at how the recruitment of women in demining contributed to a change in gender norms in Bamyan.

Gender & Diversity in Mine Action Quality Management
This guide has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in quality management, documentation and practices.

The Socioeconomic Impact of Employing Female Deminers in Sri Lanka
This report outlines the key findings of the study looking at the socioeconomic impact of employing female deminers in Sri Lanka.

WPS Manual
This handbook describes what is meant by the term 'Women, Peace and Security' and why it should be at the forefront of any work undertaken in conflict or post-conflict contexts.

Gender and Diversity in the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)
The GICHD, together with UNIDIR and the International Gender Champions Disarmament Impact Group, developed a factsheet to provide an overview of the differentiated impact of cluster munition remnants, report progress on the incorporation of gender and diversity considerations in the Convention’s framework, and support States Parties and stakeholders in their mainstreaming efforts.

UN Women - How to promote gender-responsive localisation in humanitarian action - Guidance Note
This document addresses key issues and entry points for advancing gender-responsive localisation at the operational level.

GICHD - Guidance on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
This guidance is intended to assist the humanitarian mine action sector in strengthening efforts related to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse.

United Nations Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes
The UN Gender Guidelines for Mine Action Programmes aim to support mine action practitioners to integrate a gender perspective into all relevant mine action initiatives and operations. (3rd edition, 2019).

APMBC Oslo Action Plan (OAP) 2020-2024
Oslo Action Plan (OAP) 2020-2024 for supporting the implementation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)
In accordance with the principles of international humanitarian law, the convention prohibits or limits the use of certain conventional weapons considered particularly harmful or having indiscriminate effects on civilian populations.

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Abigail Jones
Programme Manager of the Gender, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (GDEI) programme.
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