IMSMA Core is built from state-of-the art Geographic Information Systems software (GIS) provided by Esri. IMSMA Core is a system of tools and processes that can be configured to fit national programmes’ specific operational and reporting requirements, which provide access to information to a wide range of stakeholders, foster information sharing and provide real time maps and reports on the extent of contamination.
It was launched at the Meeting of National Mine Action Directors and United Nations Advisers in February 2018.
Thanks to its strategic partnership with Esri, the Centre has access to cutting edge GIS tools. This allows GICHD to bring the power of the ArcGIS suite of tools to the mine action sector through IMSMA Core.
GICHD took a full customisation approach to IMSMA development. More powerful off-the-shelf software products are available today that allow for very versatile configuration, carried out in-house and reducing the need to contract software developers.
Thanks to its strategic partnership with GIS developers Esri, the Centre has access to such tools at significantly reduced prices. The net effect is that the GICHD can now provide a more powerful Information Management System for Mine Action (named ‘IMSMA Core’) at a lesser overall cost.