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Altogether, these international instruments, which are part of the broader body of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), provide a clear framework banning or restricting the use of mines, cluster munitions, booby-traps and other devices. They also establish rules on clearance, victim assistance, international cooperation and assistance, risk education and transparency. In particular:

The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC, also known as the Ottawa Convention) and the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM, also known as the Oslo Convention) establish a total ban on the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel landmines and cluster munitions. They also set time-bound obligations relating to stockpile destruction and clearance of contaminated territories. Further obligations relate to risk education, victim assistance and international cooperation and assistance.

Amended Protocol II of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) sets out prohibitions and restrictions on the use of mines, booby-traps and other devices – including improvised explosive devices (IEDs) – with additional provisions on information recording and sharing, as well as clearance/removal/destruction of all systems to ensure the protection of civilians.

Finally, Protocol V of the CCW sets out obligations relating to the clearance/removal/destruction of explosive remnants of war (ERW) – abandoned and unexploded ordnance – in post-conflict situations, with further provisions on precautions to protect civilians and information recording and sharing. 

The GICHD, which enjoys observer status in the APMBC, CCM and CCW, conveys its substantive contribution through several channels, including comments to states’ requests for extension of clearance deadlines under the APMBC and CCM; participation in meetings of the Conventions and their implementing bodies; ad-hoc support and advice to office holders; and dissemination of knowledge and good practice through presentations and other interventions.

The GICHD also provides logistical support to the three conventions, as per agreements with relevant states, thus enabling their efficient and inclusive functioning in support of state implementation efforts. This support includes:

  1. Hosting of the Implementation Support Units (ISUs) of the APMBC and CCM; 
  2. Management of sponsorship funds (all three) and trust funds (APMBC and CCM); 
  3. Organisation of intersessional meetings. 
Hosting of the Implementation Support Units (ISUs) Yes Yes No
Sponsorship Programme management Yes Yes Yes
Trust Fund management Yes Yes No
Organisation of intersessional meetings Yes Yes (if held) No

GICHD Insights and Statements

The GICHD issue briefs contribute to substantive discussions in mine action and ammunition management. As a first series, the GICHD is sharing briefs on selected thematic areas relevant to APMBC implementation. 

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IHL Team

Silvia Cattaneo

Silvia Cattaneo

Senior Advisor, Policy and IHL
Svenja Liu

Svenja Liu

Programme Officer, Policy Research