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The MK Metal Detector can detect metals below the ground. Most landmines and UXOs contain metals.

The distance between the metal detector and the ground is about 4 cm. The MK Metal Detector can be connected with a Delta Robot or a Rope Robot below the MK Manta platform. Depending on the land surface the appropriate type of robot can be chosen. The MK Manta will follow the GPS instructions to collect all the detections. After the flight the data is downloaded to the MK Ground Station. Subsequently, the software will create the detection map with all the GPS coordinates. It will visualize it on the application with GEO fences and infographics.


Audio output 3.5mm
Visual display on the MK Ground Station
Depth indication 15cm depends on soil
Sensitive adjustment 1
Ground balance 1
Ground balance information Has different modes of ground balance but the manual mode is at 90
Connectivity Wireless connection to the remote control

Battery Connected to the drone
Low battery alert 1
Low battery alert information 20% as per the drone

Length 285 mm
Weight 0.491 kg
Search head size 285 mm
Shape Round
Transport case provided 1
Transport case information Come together in a case with other sensors, not by itself

Factory support Call center and field support of needed (comes with the drone)
Warranty 1 year
Humidity (limitations) Water proof
Water resistant 1
Temperature limitations it can go below freezing and above 40 degrees celcius
Interference (with other detectors) 1

Base price 27600 €
Reduction for higher quantity depends on order
Possible to rent 1
Price for training Leasing comes as a package with the drone

