U.S. Humanitarian Demining R&D Program (US Army RDECOM CERDEC NVESD) | Academic and Research |
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) | Academic and Research |
Green Libya Oil Services Inc.In partnership, our team of qualified professionals can provide support for all aspects of a land mine and/or ERW clearance projects, efficiently and... | Commercial |
ERW Solutions LimitedERW Solutions Limited, London, United Kingdom (ERWS) specialises in mechanically assisted ecological landmine clearance and ERW removal/disposal. Our... | Commercial |
KMAG Global LtdA Korea based humanitarian demining company, founded in 2002.Asian leading mine action service provider.Subsidiaries in Taiwan, Cambodia and... | Commercial |
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)UNODA was established in January 1998 as the Department for Disarmament Affairs which part of the Secretary-General’s programme for reform in... | International Organisations |
Maritime Asset Security and Training (MAST) LtdMaritime Asset Security and Training Ltd (MAST) is an international security company that provides specialist security services for a wide range of... | Commercial |
SAFER - Individual Protective EquipmentStimulation Protecting Device | Commercial |
Scandinavian Demining Group ABScandinavian Demining Group is a commercial company registered in Sweden with a wholly owned subisdary in Croatia. It manufactures Scanjack, a... | Commercial |
Clear Path International (CPI)CPI provide medical assistance to victims of landmines and UXO, and supports their reintegration into the local community. CPI also work to raise... | Non Governmental Organisations |