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Green Libya Oil Services Inc.

In partnership, our team of qualified professionals can provide support for all aspects of a land mine and/or ERW clearance projects, efficiently and...


ERW Solutions Limited

ERW Solutions Limited, London, United Kingdom (ERWS) specialises in mechanically assisted ecological landmine clearance and ERW removal/disposal. Our...


KMAG Global Ltd

A Korea based humanitarian demining company, founded in 2002.Asian leading mine action service provider.Subsidiaries in Taiwan, Cambodia and...


United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)

UNODA was established in January 1998 as the Department for Disarmament Affairs which part of the Secretary-General’s programme for reform in...

International Organisations

Maritime Asset Security and Training (MAST) Ltd

Maritime Asset Security and Training Ltd (MAST) is an international security company that provides specialist security services for a wide range of...


SAFER - Individual Protective Equipment

Stimulation Protecting Device


Scandinavian Demining Group AB

Scandinavian Demining Group is a commercial company registered in Sweden with a wholly owned subisdary in Croatia. It manufactures Scanjack, a...


Clear Path International (CPI)

CPI provide medical assistance to victims of landmines and UXO, and supports their reintegration into the local community. CPI also work to raise...

Non Governmental Organisations

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Danish Refugee Council is a leading, international humanitarian displacement organisation, supporting refugees and internally displaced persons during...

Non Governmental Organisations

International School for Search ant Explosives Engineers (ISSEE), UK

ISSEE are a commercial training centre that offers courses in demining, explosive ordnance disposal and explosives management.
