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Human Rights Watch (HRW)

An organisation which campaigns on human rights issues. HRW helps to coordinate advocacy on mines and unexploded ordnance and is the lead agency int...

Non Governmental Organisations

US Army Humanitarian Demining Training Center (HDTC)

The HDTC serves as the U.S. government training and information center for mine action. It researches tactics on landmine use and clearance techniqes...

Academic and Research

Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) - Landmines

In addition to practical mine and cluster clearance, NPA engage in political advocacy work against these wapons. We were central participants in the...

Non Governmental Organisations

Mines Awareness Trust (MAT)

Formed in 1999, MAT concentrates on providing mine risk education to mine affected communities and also provides survey and clearance support.

Non Governmental Organisations

Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center (BHMAC)

The main portal for information on the national demining programme in Bosnia and Herzogovina.

National Authorities and Centres

Safelane - Canada's Guide to the Global Ban on Landmines

Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs site. Provides information on the international movement to ban landmines and background material on the Ottawa...

Academic and Research

International Test and Evaluation Program for Humanitarian Demining (ITEP)

ITEP consists of seven nations and the European Community who develop standards and coordinate tests of materials and methods to achieve an improved...

International Organisations

Canadian International Demining Corps (CIDC), Canada

Formed in 1996, CIDC supports the Ottawa Convention and undertakes humanitarian mine action programmes. They are mainly funded by the Canadian...

Non Governmental Organisations

Warwick University, DTU, School of Engineering

The Technology Unit at the University of Warwick and the Development Technology Workshop Ltd. have been working together to design equipment for...

Academic and Research

World Health Organisation (WHO)

The WHOs department of injuries and violence prevention deals mainly with injuries caused by small arms and landmines.

International Organisations