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Government of Japan


GEOSPACE Beckel Satellitenbilddaten GmbH


Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC)

Main ActivitiesDevelop policy guidelines for demining and UXO clearance, and assistance to mine victims Prepare strategic medium & long term visions...

National Authorities and Centres

Biosensor Applications Sweden AB

The Biosensor Applications have invested substantial resources to develop the trace detection sensor as well as an effective air collection system. By...


Australian Government - AusAID


Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)

The task of the MSB is to enhance and support societal capacities for preparedness for and prevention of emergencies and crises. When one does occur,...


Norway, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


German Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In partnership with experienced organizations on the ground, the German Government assists countries to clear mines, cluster munitions and unexploded...


Potsdam Kommunikation e.V.

The association Potsdam Kommunikation e.V. was created in 1990. Its objectives are: humanitarian aid for a social and economic development. Aid for...

Non Governmental Organisations

Solidaritätsdienst International e.V.

Solidaritätsdienst International e.V. (SODI) is a non-profit association, which promotes a solidary, equitable and peaceful world.

Non Governmental Organisations