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Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research - Prins Maurits Laboratory

The TNO Prins Maurits Laboratory is one of the 14 institutes of the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, TNO. Together with the...

Academic and Research

International Campaign to Ban Landmines - Cluster Munition Coalition (ICBLCMC)

Non Governmental Organisations

Delft University - Interfaculty Reactor Institute

On 1 January 2005, the Interfaculty Reactor Institute (IRI) became part of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Technology Delft....

Academic and Research

European Commission-EU Mine Action

For 2008-2013 the major objective of the EU is the continued assistance to third countries to comply with the goals of the 1998 Ottawa Convention...

International Organisations

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich - Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research

Academic and Research

Night Vision Operations Laboratory

The NVO laboratory of AFRL/HECV is responsible for the following four research areas within the NVD IPT. The first area, night lighting systems, is...

Academic and Research

Defence Research and Development Canada

As the needs of DND have changed over the years, DRDC Suffield has remained a strategic defence resource. Many of the research and development...

Academic and Research

ITRES Research Limited

ITRES Research is a dynamic and experienced aerial remote sensing company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. ITRES offers a diverse range of...

Academic and Research

The Defence Science and Technology Organisation of Australia

The Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) is part of AustraliaŽs Department of Defence. DSTOŽs role is to ensure the expert, impartial...

Academic and Research

U.S. Department of State - Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (WRA)

The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) creates local, regional and international conditions conducive to peace, stability and prosperity...
