Lao National Unexploded Ordnance ProgrammeUXO Lao is the national UXO Clearance operator in Lao PDR. | International Organisations |
EOD CONTRACTS LtdBomb Disposal Risk Mitigation Desk Top Studies, UXO Risk Mitigation, ERW, Surveys Training, QA/QC Bomb Disposal, Mine Clearance | Commercial |
MineLine International GmbHMineLine International is a manufacturer of innovative and effective machines for mechanical mine clearance. Thereby we put on an emphasis on the... | Commercial |
International Organization for Consultancy ,Training and Rehabilitation GMBH (IOCTR) | International Organisations |
EXPALDemilitarization, ERW and Demining | Commercial |
Afghan Greenfield Demining (AGD) | Commercial |
Humanitarian Operations Project EarthNonprofit, nongovernmental organization for humanitarian demining and mine risk education | Non Governmental Organisations |
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) | International Organisations |
MapAction | Non Governmental Organisations |
Small Arms Survey | International Organisations |