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Main Activities
  • Develop policy guidelines for demining and UXO clearance, and assistance to mine victims
  • Prepare strategic medium & long term visions on demining & UXO clearance and victim assistance
  • Develop a strategic five-year plan for mine and UXO clearance, and assistance to mine victims in Cambodia
  • Coordinate all demining and UXO clearance and assistance to mine victims
  • Follow-up and monitor activities of demining and UXO clearance and victim assistance, so that national and NGOs operators apply with the strategy and plan of the Royal Government
  • Lobby for technical and financial support within Cambodia and abroad
    Order to destroy stockpiled anti-personnel landmines and any UXO found
  • Issue regulations which relate to the activities of mine action
  • Issue accreditation to national and international NGOs which conduct demining activities in Cambodia
  • Manage a database of all activities related to mine and UXO action and victim assistance
  • Develop policy guidelines on the management of land use after clearance
  • Manage the implementation of the law on the Prohibition of Use of Anti-Personnel Land Mines and the Treaty of the Ottawa Convention on the prohibition of Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mine and their Destruction
  • Follow-up, monitor and advise on use of resources provided to national and international NGOs by the Royal Government of Cambodia and international community.

Regions of MA operation

  • Asia

Related mine action topics

  • Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)
  • Detection and clearance
  • Stockpile destruction
  • Mine action in general
  • Information management / IMSMA
  • Land release
  • Management of mine action programmes
  • Security and development
  • Risk education
  • Socio-economic survey
  • Victim assistance