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HCR-CTRO d.o.o. Was established in 2003 with the aim of encouraging, assisting and developing field tests and evaluation of mine and UXO detection technologies, and of performing systematic tests, examination and development of mine action. HCRO-CTRO d.o.o. is a limited liability company founded by the Croatian Mine Action Center. The company is represented and managed by a director. The employees and the quality manager assist the director in managing the company. MISSION: HCR-CTRO d.o.o. was established as the first institution performing testing, research, development and education in the field of mine action in the Republic of Croatia. We wish to gather the high quality personnel in the field of mine action and ensure the leading place in the above mentioned activities, primarily in the region of South-eastern Europe. We will focus our activities on testing of demining machines, testing of mine detection dogs and handlers, testing of metal detectors, and on assistance to other mine affected countries in organizing and managing mine action activities (system management). The Center will use its know-how in other areas as well, especially in the field of training. TEST SITES: CEROVAC test site - <media 14260 _blank - "TEXT, Cerovac-Test-Site-description, Cerovac-Test-Site-description.pdf, 126 KB">More information (PDF 126KB)</media> BENKOVAC test site - <media 14259 _blank - "TEXT, Benkovac-Test-Site-description, Benkovac-Test-Site-description.pdf, 61 KB">More information (PDF 61KB)</media>

Regions of MA operation

  • Europe

Related mine action topics

  • Detection and clearance