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Inert Products LLC is the world's largest manufacturer of Inert Military Training Aids. With over 1,000 OEM products, we manufacture NATO & International

Ordnance, IEDs, Weapons, and Explosives. Inert training aids can be applied in classroom settings for recognition (EORE), Countermine, Mine Action, EOD, and OPFOR training. Our inert training aids and kits include 1000's of various Mines, Rockets, Weapons, Missiles, IEDs, CBRNe/WMDs, Mortars, Grenades, and Explosives. You can now accomplish 100's of different training

scenarios with our many product lines.

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Middle East

Related mine action topics

  • Anti-vehicle mines (AVM)
  • EORE
  • Detection and clearance
  • Management of mine action programmes
  • Mine action in general
  • Risk education
  • Characterisation of Explosive Weapons (CEW)
  • Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)
  • Underwater EOD