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Landmine Action is a not-for-profit organisation committed to good governance and the development of civil society through the promotion of international humanitarian law, the relief of poverty and the empowerment of communities marginalised by conflict. Landmine Action believes that safety and security are fundamental to poverty alleviation, they underpin trust relationships which are in turn the basis of property rights, credit and equitable transactions. Addressing the problems of conventional weapons and armed violence should therefore be seen as congruent with broader efforts to reduce poverty such as the millennium development goals. Landmine Action believes that local structures, with appropriate support, are best placed to promote community-based responses to the problems caused by conventional weapons in society. We work in partnerships and networks of like-minded NGOs, states, non states actors, community based organisations, donors and others to achieve our aims. Innovation is at the centre of Landmine Action thinking.  We seek to use our project work to influence the political and legal agenda in both the North and South and to promote new ways of working. Landmine Action’s values determine our relationships with all stakeholders including beneficiary communities, network organisations, donors and employees. Transparency, accuracy and honesty will be crucial to the credibility of Landmine Action’s work and the key to partnerships with states, civil society groups and community based organisations. A commitment to effectiveness and cost efficiency will drive our operational activities and inform our fundraising.

Regions of MA operation

  • Africa

Related mine action topics

  • International conventions
  • Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)
  • Detection and clearance
  • Survey
  • Stockpile destruction
  • Security and development
  • Armed violence reduction
  • Risk education