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The Swiss-based Discussion Group on Land Mines is a group of persons with various backgrounds (mostly scientific and humanitarian) and one common interest, namely humanitarian demining and ways of improving or supporting it. The group was born out of a preexisting small cluster of persons which had already met a few times in Switzerland, in an informal way, to exchange information on the subject. At the IEE Conference in Edinburgh (1998) the idea was then launched to form a wider discussion / working group, still comprising Swiss-based people interested in land mines and UXO. The names of some potentially interested persons were gathered and a first meeting organized. Ever since the group has continued to convene 2 to 4 times a year, usually with each time a different member playing the host role. Priority is implicitly given to hosts which did not yet organise a meeting. One and the same person (John Crawford, Paul Scherrer Institut) has and is playing the role of organizer and rapporteur, and this fact has probably contributed in a significative way to the success of this concept. There is no particular condition to be fullfilled in order to participate in one of the meetings, no obligation either. No formal roles are attributed. Although the group is mostly Swiss based it is open, and persons from neighbouring countries have indeed frequently joined in as well, and still are. One of the meetings was held outside Switzerland, at the ISL (close to Basel but in French territory). The meetings themselves last a few hours and are quite informal, although a schedule is obviously fixed beforehand by the organizer (gathering input from the potential participants). In principle presentations are given by the host and by each participant who feels that he has something new to say. Questions are open and welcome. Time for discussion is usually ample, both during the meeting as well as afterwards (e.g. for dinner with those who wish to stay and have the opportunity to do so). Each participant is in charge of his own travel arrangment and costs. Concerning the participants` profile, as said most of them have either a scientific (academia or industry) or humanitarian background (e.g. end users). As often the scientific part is preponderant, the presence of deminers is particularly welcome, also to maintain an appropriate balance. The Swiss Defence Procurement Agency is also represented. Whenever there is a contact with someone interested in the subject (in Switzerland) and eager to get a broader picture he is invited to contact the organizer and participate in the following meeting. The meeting`s report is then sent to everybody, whether they attended or not. Attending does obviously provide additional possibilities for the exchange of information and establishing contacts. [The coordinates are those of the discussion`s group coordinator.]

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