Just released
The State of Play in Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition
The recognition of the dual threat of poor management of conventional ammunition in terms of uncontrolled proliferation and devastating explosions has placed the safe and secure management of ammunition (SSMA) ever more firmly on...

- Available in English
الوضع الراهن للإدارة الآمنة والمأمونة للذخيرة | The State of Play in Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition (Arabic)
إن الاعتراف بالتهديد المزدوج للإدارة السيئة للذخيرة التقليدية من حيث الانتشار غير الخاضع للرقابة والتفجيرات المدمرة قد وضع الإدارة الآمنة والمأمونة للذخيرة بجدية أكبرعلى جدول الأعمال السياسي والمعياري الدوليوعملياً ، يتزايد كل من...

- Available in Arabic
Explosive Ordnance Guide for Ukraine - Third Edition
The third edition of the GICHD Explosive Ordnance Guide for Ukraine is intended as a basic reference for qualified EOD operators conducting explosive ordnance risk reduction activities in Ukraine and may also be used by trained...

- Available in English
GICHD Outlook Report 2025
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) works to reduce risks to communities stemming from explosive ordnance (EO). Guided by its four-year Strategy (2023–2026), in 2025 the Centre will continue to help...

- Available in English
Mine Action in Border Areas
This research sheds light on explosive ordnance contamination in border areas across the world. It presents an initial mapping of border contamination and considers the impact, challenges, and lessons learnt from ongoing efforts...

- Available in English
The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Iraq
The study comprehensively maps the sustainable development outcomes of mine action activities in Iraq, using the SDGs as an analytical framework. It presents concrete examples which illustrate the impact of mine action...

- Available in Arabic, English
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) | Sector mapping and needs analysis
This 'Mapping and Needs Analysis' of the explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) sector updates the GICHD's 2019 study, showcasing progress over the past five years. Through surveys, interviews, and desk research, the report...

- Available in Arabic, English, French
GICHD Insights: Enhancing the Approach to Inclusive Information Management in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
Addressing discrimination and promoting gender equality and inclusion has long been a priority of the APMBC. In the Oslo Action Plan (OAP), States Parties identified gender and diversity mainstreaming as a key best practice for...

- Available in English
Mapping of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Sector in Ukraine
The GICHD has been supporting Ukraine since 2012. During that time, it has cultivated formal and informal partnerships with a range of national, regional and international partners. In 2019, it began providing specific support for...

- Available in English, Ukrainian
The GICHD Corporate Brochure 2024
Landmines, cluster munitions and other explosive ordnance threaten people every year in more than 60 countries and territories. Around the world someone is killed or injured by these weapons about every 2 hours. Survivors and...

- Available in English
GICHD Insights | Towards The Fifth Review Conference of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC)
The Fifth Review Conference of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) will open in Siem Reap- Angkor, Cambodia, on 25 November 2024. To contribute to preparations for this event, the GICHD is launching a series of issue...
- Available in English
Annual Report 2023
Every year and across the world, explosive ordnance (EO) threatens the lives of millions of people. Lives are lost; survivors and their families struggle with the physical, psychological, social, and economic consequences of EO...

- Available in English