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Kosovo Mine Action Strategy 2025-2030

This mine action strategy outlines the strategic orientation of the Kosovo mine action programme from 2025 to 2030, developed by the Kosovo Mine Action Center (KMAC). The strategy draws on international good practice and builds...

Kosovo Mine Action Strategy 2025-2030
  • Available in English

Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions

The mine action sector faces not only chronic underfunding but also short-lived funding spikes for emerging or new crises, or significant developments in ongoing conflicts. These trends surrounding funding lead to a lack of both...

Innovative Finance for Mine Action: Needs and Potential Solutions
  • Available in English
  • GICHD and Symbio Impact Ltd.
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  • U.S. Humanitarian Demining Research and Devel

Assessment of the Mine Action Centre for Afghanistan (MACA)

The main purposes of this report are to (i) advise CIDA/ATF on what it should expect from the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) in terms of reporting on development results, and (ii) assess feasible timelines and approaches for the...

Assessment of the Mine Action Centre for Afghanistan (MACA)
  • Available in English
  • Ted Paterson, Faiz Paktian, William Fryer
  • Available in English
  • Matthew Bolton

A Guide to Road Clearance

 Clearing roads prior to the deployment of peacekeeping units, or in support of humanitarian, reconstruction or development work, is a prerequisite to a safe and successful operation. However, road clearance is expensive and...

A Guide to Road Clearance
  • Available in English

Mine Action and the Implementation of CCW Protocol V on Explosive Remnants

 The publication is intended particularly for States and their armed forces, but also for international and non-governmental organisations involved in explosive ordnance disposal, risk education or assistance to the victims. This...

Mine Action and the Implementation of CCW Protocol V on Explosive Remnants
  • Available in English
  • Available in English
  • Greg Crowther

Total Quality Management in Mine Action Report

Here the author relays the relationship between information management and quality management and how the latter depends on the efficiency of the former. With increasingly better tools for mine-action programs in the field of...

Total Quality Management in Mine Action Report
  • Available in English
  • Daniel Eriksson