Just released
Global Mapping and Analysis of Anti-Vehicle Mine Incidents in 2017
This report presents and analyses AVM incident data from 2017. It follows up on and compares findings with earlier reports published by the GICHD and SIPRI examining AVM incidents in 2015 and 2016.
Data in this report stem from...

- Available in English
Global mapping and analysis of anti-vehicle mines incidents in 2016
This report presents and analyses AVM incident data from 2016. It follows up on and compares findings with a first report of its kind: “Global Mapping and Analysis of Anti- Vehicle Mine Incidents in 2015”, released in April 2016. ...

- Available in English
Global Mapping and Analysis of Anti-Vehicle Mines Incidents in 2015
This report analyses disaggregated anti-vehicle mine (AVM) incident data collected in 2015. In a joint effort, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and the Stockholm International Peace Research...

- Available in English
Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of Anti-vehicle Mines
Anti-vehicle mines negatively impact humanitarian efforts and developmental progress. Key findings from a South Sudan case study show that mine contamination impacts humanitarian efforts directly through casualties, while dangers...

- Available in English
The Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of Anti-Vehicle Mines
Anti-vehicle mines (AVMs) are as indiscriminate as anti-personnel mines (APMs) and constitute the source of many casualties. As the international community explores the possible options for further legal regulation of AVMs, there...

- Available in English
'Mines other than Anti-Personnel Mines' Issue Brief
This Issue Brief provides an overview of the humanitarian impact linked to the use of anti-vehicle mines and the challenges related to the clearance of this category of weapon.
It is intended to promote informed discussion on...

- Available in English
Humanitarian Impact from Mines other than Anti-Personnel Mines
This report summarises the capacity of the landmine clearance sector to respond to mines other than anti-personnel mines (MOTAPM), specifically anti-vehicle mines. It then looks at the humanitarian impact of MOTAPM...

- Available in English