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The Convention on Cluster Munitions represents a major step forward in international efforts to protect civilians from cluster munitions as well as to address their humanitarian and development impact. Its adoption and signature in 2008 by almost 100 states is testament to the work of Norway and the many other governments that drove the Oslo Process, as well as the relentless efforts of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the hundreds of organisations that make up the Cluster Munitions Coalition.
In light of this important new instrument of international law, we have decided to revise and update A Guide to Cluster Munitions, the first edition of which was published in November 2007. It not only includes a chapter on the content of the Convention and one on stockpile destruction—a significant obligation for future States Parties which impacts on non-proliferation of cluster munitions—it also takes into account recent experiences in improved procedures for survey and battle area clearance.
As with the previous edition, this second edition of A Guide to Cluster Munitions provides information on the impact of cluster munitions on civilians and practical steps on how to prevent and address that impact. The Guide is intended particularly for governments facing a cluster munitions problem or those willing to assist others in mitigating or getting rid of the problem. International and non-governmental organisations involved in clearance of cluster munitions or providing assistance to the victims are also a key audience for this publication, as well as journalists, academics and others who are interested in the issue.


Category: International Conventions