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2180 results:

Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program Management

Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program Management

Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program Management Women and persons with disabilities endure multiple challenges in mine action work. Thongvone Sosamphan and Mikael Bold provide…

Outcomes of GMAP Work to Promote Gender Mainstreaming in the Mine Action Programmes of Afghanistan and South Sudan

Outcomes of GMAP Work to Promote Gender Mainstreaming in the Mine Action Programmes of Afghanistan and South Sudan

Outcomes of GMAP Work to Promote Gender Mainstreaming in the Mine Action Programmes of Afghanistan and South Sudan This report documents the outcomes of GMAP's work in Afghanistan and South Sudan…

National Capacities and Residual Contamination | Liberia

National Capacities and Residual Contamination | Liberia

National Capacities and Residual Contamination | Liberia This case study forms part of a broader GICHD study on national capacities and residual contamination and is based on both desk-top research…

Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of Anti-vehicle Mines

Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of Anti-vehicle Mines

Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of Anti-vehicle Mines Anti-vehicle mines negatively impact humanitarian efforts and developmental progress. Key findings from a South Sudan case study show that…

Just posted | International media review 25 November - 1 December 2014

Just posted | International media review 25 November - 1 December 2014

International Mine Action Standards Training | 18-20 November 2014, Geneva

International Mine Action Standards Training | 18-20 November 2014, Geneva Following the request of the mine action community, the GICHD conducted a three-day International Mine Action Standards…

Just posted | International media review 18 - 24 November 2014

Just posted | International media review 18 - 24 November 2014

Just published by GICHD | New case study on the GICHD national capacities and residual contamination project in Nicaragua

Just published by GICHD | New case study on the GICHD national capacities and residual contamination project in Nicaragua A series of GICHD case studies on national capacities and residual…

Just posted | International media review 11 - 17 November 2014

Just posted | International media review 11 - 17 November 2014

Just posted | International media review 4 - 10 November 2014

Just posted | International media review 4 - 10 November 2014