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2180 results:

1325 National Action Plans

1325 National Action Plans

The Women, Peace and Security Programme of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom maintains through this website a semi-annual updated database to track the development of NAPs on…

Gender and Diversity Working Group page

This page provides useful information in support of mainstreaming of gender and diversity provisions within the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) and the Convention on Cluster Munitions…

Vacancy | Head Of Division - External Relations, Policy & Cooperation Programmes

Vacancy | Head Of Division - External Relations, Policy & Cooperation Programmes

Sri Lanka National Mine Action Completion Strategy

Sri Lanka National Mine Action Completion Strategy

Sri Lanka National Mine Action Completion Strategy This National Mine Action Completion Strategy presents the strategic orientation for Sri Lanka’s mine action programme from 2023 to 2027, developed…

Mine action awareness day: 60 million people still at risk from landmines

Mine action awareness day: 60 million people still at risk from landmines

Mine action awareness day: 60 million people still at risk from landmines Over 25 years after the Mine Ban Treaty was signed in Ottawa, 60 million people in 67 countries still live with threats to…

Landmines takeaway lives and so much more | Join the #IMAD2023 Campaign and Spread the word!

Landmines takeaway lives and so much more | Join the #IMAD2023 Campaign and Spread the word!

Request for offers - Design, art direction, layout and project management

Request for offers - Design, art direction, layout and project management

Руководство по разработке национальных стандартов противоминной деятельности | A Guide to Developing National Mine Action Standards (Russian)

Руководство по разработке национальных стандартов противоминной деятельности | A Guide to Developing National Mine Action Standards (Russian)

Руководство по разработке национальных стандартов противоминной деятельности | A Guide to Developing National Mine Action Standards (Russian) Национальные стандарты противоминной деятельности (NMAS)…

Leaving no one Behind Mine Action and the Sustainable Development Goals Arabic

Leaving no one Behind Mine Action and the Sustainable Development Goals Arabic

Leaving no one Behind Mine Action and the Sustainable Development Goals Arabic

Guidelines on European Community Mine Action 2008-2013

Guidelines on European Community Mine Action 2008-2013

Guidelines on European Community Mine Action 2008-2013