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2200 results:

Iraq workshop helping to shape the revision of the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) on IEDs

Iraq workshop helping to shape the revision of the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) on IEDs

Iraq workshop helping to shape the revision of the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) on IEDs A GICHD delegation was in Iraq last week to talk to representatives from the mine action…

Iraq | A strategy stakeholder workshop

Iraq | A strategy stakeholder workshop This week, the GICHD facilitated a strategy stakeholder workshop in collaboration with the Directorate for Mine Action (DMA) and the Iraqi Kurdistan Mine Action…

Iraq | Strategic Planning Collaboration Mission

Iraq | Strategic Planning Collaboration Mission From 26 June - 6 July 2021 - The GICHD visited the Iraqi Directorate for Mine Action (DMA) HQ in Baghdad and met with the various departments…

IRC's Approach to Community-Driven Reconstruction

IRC's Approach to Community-Driven Reconstruction

Ireland's third National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions

Ireland's third National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions

Ireland’s national action plan 2019-2024 for the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security.

Irish Aid – Mines Advisory Group (MAG) Iraqi Kurdistan Evaluation

Irish Aid – Mines Advisory Group (MAG) Iraqi Kurdistan Evaluation

Is Mine Action the key to building confidence in the peace mediation process? | Interview with Dr. Christina Stenner

Is Mine Action the key to building confidence in the peace mediation process? | Interview with Dr. Christina Stenner

ITEP Visor Trials

ITEP Visor Trials