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2180 results:

Gender & Diversity in Contracting and Grants Management

Gender & Diversity in Contracting and Grants Management

Gender & Diversity in Contracting and Grants Management This toolkit has been developed to assist mine action stakeholders to mainstream gender and diversity in contracting and grants management…

Just posted | GICHD Strategy 2015-2018

Just posted | GICHD Strategy 2015-2018

Opening of the 18th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and UN Advisors in Geneva

Opening of the 18th International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and UN Advisors in Geneva The mine action community is meeting the whole week to assess the progress and…

Just posted | International media review 9 - 16 February 2015

Just posted | International media review 9 - 16 February 2015

Just published | Guide to mine action in French | Nouvelle publication | La Guide de la lutte antimines | 5ème édition

Just published | Guide to mine action in French | Nouvelle publication | La Guide de la lutte antimines | 5ème édition La nouvelle version de la Guide est maintenant disponible en français. The…

Guide de la lutte antimines | 5ème édition

Guide de la lutte antimines | 5ème édition

Guide de la lutte antimines | 5ème édition L'action contre les mines est un secteur qui connaît une expansion rapide. Ces dernières années, les progrès accomplis se sont traduits par l'amélioration…

Just posted | International media review 3 - 9 February 2015

Just posted | International media review 3 - 9 February 2015

New tender | The Lao People's Democratic Republic | The project for acceleration of UXO clearance for rural development and poverty eradication (2013)

New tender | The Lao People's Democratic Republic | The project for acceleration of UXO clearance for rural development and poverty eradication (2013)

Just posted | International media review 28 January - 2 February 2015

Just posted | International media review 28 January - 2 February 2015

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Used by Civil Emergeny Services and their Influence on Resilience

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Used by Civil Emergeny Services and their Influence on Resilience

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Used by Civil Emergeny Services and their Influence on Resilience The use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) has increased significantly over the…