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2180 results:

Guidelines for reliability tests of dual sensors in humanitarian demining

Guidelines for reliability tests of dual sensors in humanitarian demining

Flail Fundamentals presentation

Flail Fundamentals presentation

ITEP Visor Trials

ITEP Visor Trials

PPE Visor Trials

PPE Visor Trials

Evaluation of GICHD Information Management Programme - Final Report

Evaluation of GICHD Information Management Programme - Final Report

Guide de l'action contre les mines et les restes explosifs de guerre - Quatrième Edition

Guide de l'action contre les mines et les restes explosifs de guerre - Quatrième Edition

Guide de l'action contre les mines et les restes explosifs de guerre - Quatrième Edition  Le Centre international de déminage humanitaire – Genève a publié en 2011 la deuxième édition française de…

ORACLE II test and evaluation

ORACLE II test and evaluation

The Performance of Militaries in Humanitarian Demining

The Performance of Militaries in Humanitarian Demining

The Performance of Militaries in Humanitarian Demining Studies indicate that humanitarian demining under civilian oversight is safer and more cost-efficient than humanitarian demining under military…

National Mine Action Plan for the Period 2010-2023 - Vietnam

National Mine Action Plan for the Period 2010-2023 - Vietnam

The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention brochure

The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention brochure

The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention brochure