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2180 results:

Strategic Mine Action Plan (2001-2005) - Yemen

Strategic Mine Action Plan (2001-2005) - Yemen

Unravelling flail-buried mine interaction in mine neutralization

Unravelling flail-buried mine interaction in mine neutralization

Implementing Land Mine Awareness Programs - Constraints and Strategies

Implementing Land Mine Awareness Programs - Constraints and Strategies

Implementing Land Mine Awareness Programs - Constraints and Strategies

Technology for humanitarian landmine clearance

Technology for humanitarian landmine clearance

Technology for humanitarian landmine clearance Current address (December 2015): russellgasser(at) 

Background Briefing: Humanitarian mine action, second progress report

Background Briefing: Humanitarian mine action, second progress report

The Detection of Buried Non-Metallic Anti-Personnel Land Mines

The Detection of Buried Non-Metallic Anti-Personnel Land Mines

Angola Mine Awareness Evaluation

Angola Mine Awareness Evaluation

UXO Awareness Education Activities Supported by UNICEF in the LAO PDR

UXO Awareness Education Activities Supported by UNICEF in the LAO PDR

What is the Socio-Economic Impact of Humanitarian Mine Action and How Can We Improve It?; The Road Forward: Humanitarian Mine Clearance in S. Africa

What is the Socio-Economic Impact of Humanitarian Mine Action and How Can We Improve It?; The Road Forward: Humanitarian Mine Clearance in S. Africa

Journal of Mine Action - Issue dedicated to Deminers, Manual Demining, and their Personal Protective Equipment

Journal of Mine Action - Issue dedicated to Deminers, Manual Demining, and their Personal Protective Equipment