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2180 results:

Evaluation - Danish Humanitarian Assistance - Vol.2 Afghanistan

Evaluation - Danish Humanitarian Assistance - Vol.2 Afghanistan

Evaluation de l'action de déblaiement et de dépollution des quartiers affectés par l'explosion du dépôt de munitions de Mpila à Brazzaville, en République du Congo – rapport final

Evaluation de l'action de déblaiement et de dépollution des quartiers affectés par l'explosion du dépôt de munitions de Mpila à Brazzaville, en République du Congo – rapport final

Evaluation of Dutch Support to Danish Demining Group (DDG) in Afghanistan, Somaliland and Sudan

Evaluation of Dutch Support to Danish Demining Group (DDG) in Afghanistan, Somaliland and Sudan

Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Africa

Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Africa

Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Africa The Evaluation of EC support for mine action in Africa is the first of six regional mine action evaluations that the Geneva International…

Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Latin America, 2002-2007 - Regional Report

Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Latin America, 2002-2007 - Regional Report

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports The Evaluation of EC support for mine action in Africa is the first of six regional mine action evaluations that the Geneva…

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in South East Europe | 2002-2007

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in South East Europe | 2002-2007

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in South East Europe | 2002-2007 In 2001 the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament adopted two Regulations on the reinforcement of the EU response…

Evaluation of EC-funded mine actions 2002-2007

Evaluation of EC-funded mine actions 2002-2007

Evaluation of EC-funded mine actions 2002-2007 The overall objective of the evaluation exercise is to provide systematic and objective assessments of EC-funded mine actions and to generate credible…

Evaluation of GICHD Communications

Evaluation of GICHD Communications

Evaluation of GICHD Information Management Programme - Final Report

Evaluation of GICHD Information Management Programme - Final Report