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2180 results:

Departure of the Devil: Landmines and Livelihoods in Yemen

Departure of the Devil: Landmines and Livelihoods in Yemen

Departure of the Devil: Landmines and Livelihoods in Yemen  This study was commissioned by YEMAC and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) with the following objectives:…

Mini MineWolf demining machine testing report

Mini MineWolf demining machine testing report

Evaluation of the Menschen gegen Minen (MgM) Project in Angola, Cunene Province

Evaluation of the Menschen gegen Minen (MgM) Project in Angola, Cunene Province

Evaluation of the Stiftung Sankt Barbara (SSB) Project in Angola, Kwanza Sul Province

Evaluation of the Stiftung Sankt Barbara (SSB) Project in Angola, Kwanza Sul Province

Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons

Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons

Identifying Synergies between Mine Action and Small Arms and Light Weapons  The GICHD was requested by the United States Department of State to conduct a study on Identifying Synergies between Mine…

Digger D-2, Pre-Trial Assessment (PTA) of Digger D-2

Digger D-2, Pre-Trial Assessment (PTA) of Digger D-2

UXO Risk Education Needs Assessment

UXO Risk Education Needs Assessment

Reforming the international aid architecture: Options and way forward

Reforming the international aid architecture: Options and way forward

Evaluation: Danish Support to Mine Action

Evaluation: Danish Support to Mine Action

Armenia Mine Action End State Strategy & Armenia Mine Action Strategy Plan (2007-2011)

Armenia Mine Action End State Strategy & Armenia Mine Action Strategy Plan (2007-2011)

Armenia Mine Action End State Strategy & Armenia Mine Action Strategy Plan (2007-2011)