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2180 results:

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide (in Chinese)

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide (in Chinese)

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide (in Chinese)  This document is intended to assist governments, mine action professionals and others to develop national legislation to coordinate and…

National Explosive Remnants of War Response Study, Cambodia

National Explosive Remnants of War Response Study, Cambodia

Building Local Mine Action Capacity in Guinea-Bissau

Building Local Mine Action Capacity in Guinea-Bissau

Post-Conflict Property Restitution and Refugee Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Implications for International Standard-Setting and Practice

Post-Conflict Property Restitution and Refugee Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Implications for International Standard-Setting and Practice

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide (in Vietnamese) Hướng dẫn Xây dựng Quy tắc Hành động Bom mìn

Developing Mine Action Legislation - A Guide (in Vietnamese) Hướng dẫn Xây dựng Quy tắc Hành động Bom mìn

CMVIS External Evaluation Report

CMVIS External Evaluation Report

Guide pour l'élaboration d'une législation sur l'action contre les mines

Guide pour l'élaboration d'une législation sur l'action contre les mines

Process Support provided by the Implementation Support Unit of the GICHD to States Parties to the AP Mine Ban Convention that have reported the respon

Process Support provided by the Implementation Support Unit of the GICHD to States Parties to the AP Mine Ban Convention that have reported the respon

Process Support provided by the Implementation Support Unit of the GICHD to States Parties to the AP Mine Ban Convention that have reported the respon

Evaluation Report of Technical Survey Operations within the Cambodian Mine Action Centre

Evaluation Report of Technical Survey Operations within the Cambodian Mine Action Centre

Environmental Applications in Demining

Environmental Applications in Demining

Environmental Applications in Demining