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2180 results:

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | February 2006

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | February 2006

Geneva Diary: Report from the GICHD | February 2006 Following the theme of quality for the Feature section in this edition of the JMA, the GICHD continues to work in all areas of the…

Mine Action and Development

Mine Action and Development

Afghanistan: Final Assessment Report

Afghanistan: Final Assessment Report

Evaluation of the SLIRI/Landmine Action Socio-Economic Impact and Dangerous Areas Surveys and of SLIRI's Organisation Sustainability in the Nuba Mou

Evaluation of the SLIRI/Landmine Action Socio-Economic Impact and Dangerous Areas Surveys and of SLIRI's Organisation Sustainability in the Nuba Mou

Epidemiological geomatics in evaluation of mine risk education in Afghanistan: introducing population weighted raster maps

Epidemiological geomatics in evaluation of mine risk education in Afghanistan: introducing population weighted raster maps

The road to Mine Action and Development: The life-Cycle perspective of Mine Action

The road to Mine Action and Development: The life-Cycle perspective of Mine Action

The road to Mine Action and Development: The life-Cycle perspective of Mine Action Outlines the four-step life-cycle of mine action, and makes the case for greater linkages between mine action and…

Transition Plan for Victim Assisstance Activities and Mine Risk Education: UNMACA Proposal

Transition Plan for Victim Assisstance Activities and Mine Risk Education: UNMACA Proposal

Emergency Recovery Project, Impact Assessment Report-Ethiopia

Emergency Recovery Project, Impact Assessment Report-Ethiopia

Testing of the demining machine MV 20

Testing of the demining machine MV 20

Risk Management in mine action planning

Risk Management in mine action planning