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2180 results:

Country Evaluation: Assessment of Development Results - Yemen

Country Evaluation: Assessment of Development Results - Yemen

Course Report | Advanced training on ammunition identification and disposal in Afghanistan

Course Report | Advanced training on ammunition identification and disposal in Afghanistan

Course Report | Advanced training on ammunition identification and disposal in Afghanistan GICHD delivered an advanced level training course on ammunition identification and disposal in Kabul,…

COVID-19 | Our Response

COVID-19 | Our Response

Creation of the Maison de la Paix-based Gender and Diversity Hub

Creation of the Maison de la Paix-based Gender and Diversity Hub In light of the 2015 International Women’s Day theme #MakeItHappen on 8 March, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed…

Critical Path Guide to the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines

Critical Path Guide to the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines

Critical Path Guide to the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines Inadequately-managed ammunition poses the dual risk of accidental explosions of ammunition sites and diversion to illicit…

Croatia - International Humanitarian Demining Symposium 2005 Use and Testing of Demining Machines

Croatia - International Humanitarian Demining Symposium 2005 Use and Testing of Demining Machines

Crossing Cultures | CAGI and its partners invite you to a multicultural day at La Pastorale

Crossing Cultures | CAGI and its partners invite you to a multicultural day at La Pastorale

Crossing Cultures | CAGI and its partners invite you to a multicultural day at La Pastorale The GICHD will have a stall and activities (together with Handicap International and Geneva Call) at the…

Crossing the Divide: Landmines, Villagers and Organizations

Crossing the Divide: Landmines, Villagers and Organizations

Current event | "Ammunition Management, Survey and Clearance" Workshop in Cairo, Egypt

Current event | "Ammunition Management, Survey and Clearance" Workshop in Cairo, Egypt This week, from 13-17 September, a regional workshop on "Ammunition Management, Survey and Clearance"…

Current event | 4th Annual Conference of the Arabic-Language Outreach Programme

Current event | 4th Annual Conference of the Arabic-Language Outreach Programme This week, the 4th Annual Conference of National Directors of Mine Action Programmes in the Middle East and North…