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2180 results:

Guide to Mine Action in Farsi

Guide to Mine Action in Farsi

Guide to Mine Action in Farsi Mine action is developing at a rapid pace and the sector has evolved in recent years with a continuous improvement of methodologies, the adoption of new approaches and a…

Home After War VR Nominated for Cinematic Award

Home After War VR Nominated for Cinematic Award

Home After War VR Nominated for Cinematic Award The "Home After War" VR Experience has been nominated by VR Now Con for a Cinematic Award.  VR Now Con & Awards is Europe's premier…

Increasing Efforts in Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition (SSMA): What does it Take?

Increasing Efforts in Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition (SSMA): What does it Take?

Increasing Efforts in Safe and Secure Management of Ammunition (SSMA): What does it Take? SSMA is becoming a key consideration of the international community at various levels, from the normative to…

GICHD Apprentice receives highest grades in Geneva for her “Maturité professionnelle” diploma

GICHD Apprentice receives highest grades in Geneva for her “Maturité professionnelle” diploma

Sri Lanka National Mine Action Strategy: 2016-2020 | Reviewed Version, September 2018

Sri Lanka National Mine Action Strategy: 2016-2020 | Reviewed Version, September 2018

Sri Lanka National Mine Action Strategy: 2016-2020 | Reviewed Version, September 2018 As mandated by Sri Lanka’s National Mine Acti on Strategy 2016-2020, this reviewed version is the result of the…