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2180 results:

Vacancy | Administrative Assistant

Vacancy | Administrative Assistant

Apply Now | 87th Partnership for Peace Course on International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Conformance

Apply Now | 87th Partnership for Peace Course on International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Conformance

New Publication | Difficult Terrain in Mine Action

New Publication | Difficult Terrain in Mine Action

Зараз доступний українською: наш онлайн курс з Навчання ризикам від вибухонебезпечних предметів.

Зараз доступний українською: наш онлайн курс з Навчання ризикам від вибухонебезпечних предметів. Цей вступний курс призначений для всіх, хто зацікавлений у вивченні основ HРВНП, і не вимагає ніякого…

Difficult Terrain In Mine Action

Difficult Terrain In Mine Action

Difficult Terrain In Mine Action Armed conflicts continue to cause an increase in the number of casualties from explosive ordnance. Even after hostilities have ended, populations living in…

IMSMA Core (Information Management System for Mine Action)

IMSMA Core (Information Management System for Mine Action)

The Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) was developed to help make mine action safer, faster, more effective and efficient.

UNMAS Landmine & ERW Safety App

UNMAS Landmine & ERW Safety App

This application is designed to complement the Landmine and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Safety Handbook, produced by the United Nations.

Mine Action INTelligence Tool (MINT)

Mine Action INTelligence Tool (MINT)

An online data analysis and reporting tool for the mine action community.

Ammunition Safety Management (ASM) Toolset

Ammunition Safety Management (ASM) Toolset

The ASM app provides technical and operational guidance in ammunition management activities compatible with International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG).

Register Now | Mine Action Managers Course – 91st Partnership for Peace Course

Register Now | Mine Action Managers Course – 91st Partnership for Peace Course