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2202 results:

Information Management and Technology Development for Technical Survey in Mine Action

Information Management and Technology Development for Technical Survey in Mine Action

Information Management and Technology Development for Technical Survey in Mine Action There is an emergent consensus that an excessive use of clearance resources in areas that may not contain…

Current event | Information Management Systems Workshop for OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine

Current event | Information Management Systems Workshop for OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine The GICHD is currently conducting a workshop for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine…

New event | IMSMA Administrator (MIQ level A1) Training Course

New event | IMSMA Administrator (MIQ level A1) Training Course

Just posted | International media review 17-24 August 2015

Just posted | International media review 17-24 August 2015

New | Live map of global casualities of anti-vehicle mines (AVM)

New | Live map of global casualities of anti-vehicle mines (AVM) For the first six months of 2015, the GICHD and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recorded 86 accidents…

New UNOPS tender | Provision of Clearance Capacity and Local Mine Action Support in Western Sahara

New UNOPS tender | Provision of Clearance Capacity and Local Mine Action Support in Western Sahara

Just posted | International media review 11-17 August 2015

Just posted | International media review 11-17 August 2015

Una Revisión de la Inspección Externa Post-Despeje en la Acción contra las Minas

Una Revisión de la Inspección Externa Post-Despeje en la Acción contra las Minas

Una Revisión de la Inspección Externa Post-Despeje en la Acción contra las Minas Este estudio pretende evaluar la inspección post-despeje, analizando sus costos y beneficios, y explorar como el…

Just posted | International media review 4-10 August 2015

Just posted | International media review 4-10 August 2015

New UNOPS tender | National Multi-Tasking for Clearance Capacity in Darfur

New UNOPS tender | National Multi-Tasking for Clearance Capacity in Darfur Deadline for proposals | 20 August 2015