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2180 results:

CEN Workshop Agreement, Test and Evaluation of Digger D-250

CEN Workshop Agreement, Test and Evaluation of Digger D-250

CEN Workshop Agreement, Test and Evaluation of Digger D-250 A test of the Digger D-250 was on request from the manufacture Digger DTR performed in Sweden by SWEDEC in May 2014. Performance and…

Amendments to the IMAS Land Release

Amendments to the IMAS Land Release

Amendments to the IMAS Land Release The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) review board formally endorsed amendments to the Land Release IMAS in April 2013 that clarify and standardize the…

Effects of Mixed Teams on Land Release

Effects of Mixed Teams on Land Release

Effects of Mixed Teams on Land Release The Gender and Mine Action Programme (GMAP) investigated the impact of mixed gender teams on land release. Based on the opinion of the respondents, as well as…

GICHD Annual Report 2013

GICHD Annual Report 2013

GICHD Annual Report 2013 Annual narrative report on the work of the GICHD during 2013.

GICHD Geomine Demonstration Test 15 January 2014

GICHD Geomine Demonstration Test 15 January 2014

GICHD Geomine Demonstration Test 15 January 2014 In 2013, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) participated as the lead observer in the Geomine demonstration test in…

Seventeenth International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and UN Advisors | 31 March - 2 April 2014 | Geneva, WMO

Seventeenth International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and UN Advisors | 31 March - 2 April 2014 | Geneva, WMO One of the most important gatherings of the mine action sector,…

Guide to mine action 2014

Guide to mine action 2014

Guide to mine action 2014 Mine action is developing at a rapid pace and the sector has evolved in recent years with a continuous improvement of methodologies, the adoption of new approaches and a…

GICHD Overview Brochure 2013

GICHD Overview Brochure 2013

GICHD Overview Brochure 2013 This publication features a brief overview of the work of the GICHD and is divided into three sections: Who we are, Mine action and the GICHD, Programmes.

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System

10 Steps to a National Quality Management System This GICHD handbook for mine action managers provides an introduction to QM approaches and principles and explains the concrete steps for developing…

Extended application deadline | Regional Mine Action Contracting Workshop for Africa

Extended application deadline | Regional Mine Action Contracting Workshop for Africa