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Just posted | International media review 27 May - 2 June 2014

Just posted | International media review 27 May - 2 June 2014

'Do no harm' and mine action: Protecting the environment while removing the remnants of conflict

'Do no harm' and mine action: Protecting the environment while removing the remnants of conflict

'Do no harm' and mine action: Protecting the environment while removing the remnants of conflict In times of armed conflict, the environment might be targeted deliberately to reach military or…

Quick start guide to strategic planning in mine action

Quick start guide to strategic planning in mine action

Quick start guide to strategic planning in mine action This aide memoire sets out the main principles of strategic planning for mine action described in the Guide to Strategic Planning for Mine…

Land Release Liability

Land Release Liability

Land Release Liability Who should be responsible for any adverse events after clearance? The process of transferring liability from an operator to the state seems biased due to an inherent conflict…

Guide to strategic planning in mine action

Guide to strategic planning in mine action

Guide to strategic planning in mine action Based on key findings from the six country case studies, the GICHD drafted a Guide and a Quick Start Guide on Strategic Planning in Mine Action. The Guide…

External Evaluation of the GICHD, 2010-2013

External Evaluation of the GICHD, 2010-2013

External Evaluation of the GICHD, 2010-2013 The evaluation assesses aspects of the corporate and strategic governance of the Centres. It covers the period of 2010–2013 and the year 2014 is outside of…

New UN Mine Action Tender | Delivery of Training on Mine Risks in Bosnia and Herzegovina Flooded Areas

New UN Mine Action Tender | Delivery of Training on Mine Risks in Bosnia and Herzegovina Flooded Areas

Francophone peace operations network | Réseau d’expertise et de formation francophone pour les opérations de paix (REFFOP)

Francophone peace operations network | Réseau d’expertise et de formation francophone pour les opérations de paix (REFFOP)