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2202 results:

New UNOPS tender | RFP for the Provision of Survey and Clearance Services (copy 1)

New UNOPS tender | RFP for the Provision of Survey and Clearance Services (copy 1)

Stratégie GICHD | 2015-2018

Stratégie GICHD | 2015-2018

Stratégie GICHD | 2015-2018 Le GICHD appuie l'amélioration constante de la pertinence et de l'efficacité de la lutte antimines. Pour ce faire, il permet aux autorités nationale, aux organismes…

Linking Mine Action and SSR

Linking Mine Action and SSR

Linking Mine Action and SSR SSR Papers is a flagship DCAF publication series intended to contribute innovative thinking on important themes and approaches relating to security sector reform (SSR) in…

New UNOPS tender | Mainstreaming Gender and Diversity in Mine Action in Mali

New UNOPS tender | Mainstreaming Gender and Diversity in Mine Action in Mali

New tender | Project Design Advance | UXO Clearance, Geotechnical Investigations, Surveys and Detailed Engineering Services

New tender | Project Design Advance | UXO Clearance, Geotechnical Investigations, Surveys and Detailed Engineering Services

Collaborative ORDnance Data Repository (CORD)

Collaborative ORDnance Data Repository (CORD)

Collaborative ORDnance Data Repository (CORD) Until recently, the mine action and broader humanitarian disarmament community have relied on ORDATA for ordnance information. However, the Geneva…

Registration now open | Mine Action Information Management Qualification (M1Q) at Administrator Level 1

Registration now open | Mine Action Information Management Qualification (M1Q) at Administrator Level 1

Registration now open | Mine Action Information Management Qualification (M1Q) at Administrator Level 1

Stepping into a Minefield | A life dedicated to landmine clearance around the world | A new book by former GICHD Deputy Director Ian Mansfield

Stepping into a Minefield | A life dedicated to landmine clearance around the world | A new book by former GICHD Deputy Director Ian Mansfield Former GICHD Deputy Director, Ian Mansfield, has…

Arabic Outreach Programme Workshop in Croatia | Accreditation, Monitoring and Contracting of Mine Action Organizations

Arabic Outreach Programme Workshop in Croatia | Accreditation, Monitoring and Contracting of Mine Action Organizations This week, between 7-11 December, a workshop on accreditation, monitoring and…

New UNOPS tender | One Route Assessment and Clearance Capacity to Provide Mine Action Services throughout South Sudan

New UNOPS tender | One Route Assessment and Clearance Capacity to Provide Mine Action Services throughout South Sudan