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2202 results:

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports

Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports The Evaluation of EC support for mine action in Africa is the first of six regional mine action evaluations that the Geneva…

Assessment of Post Demining Impact Assessment for the Mine Action Coordination Center of Afghanistan

Assessment of Post Demining Impact Assessment for the Mine Action Coordination Center of Afghanistan

Mechanical Demining : From 1942 to the Present

Mechanical Demining : From 1942 to the Present

Mechanical Demining : From 1942 to the Present

Regional Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action Support in Asia-Pacific , 2002-2008

Regional Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action Support in Asia-Pacific , 2002-2008

Regional Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action Support in Asia-Pacific , 2002-2008 In 2001, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament adopted two Regulations on the reinforcement of the EU…

Mine Action Technology Newsletter | Issue no 9

Mine Action Technology Newsletter | Issue no 9

Concept Paper: Community Safety in North West Somalia (Somaliland)

Concept Paper: Community Safety in North West Somalia (Somaliland)

HSTAMIDS Long Term Operational Evaluations - some more results

HSTAMIDS Long Term Operational Evaluations - some more results

The Excavator Based Multi Tool

The Excavator Based Multi Tool

Mine Action Strategy (2009-2013) - Azerbaijan

Mine Action Strategy (2009-2013) - Azerbaijan

Mine Action Strategy (2009-2013) - Azerbaijan

Lier l'action contre les mines et le développement : lignes directrices pour l'élaboration de politiques et de programmes

Lier l'action contre les mines et le développement : lignes directrices pour l'élaboration de politiques et de programmes

Lier l'action contre les mines et le développement : lignes directrices pour l'élaboration de politiques et de programmes  Remarque : L'attention du lecteur est attirée sur le fait que sur les cinq…