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2178 results:

Stratégie GICHD | 2015-2018

Stratégie GICHD | 2015-2018

Stratégie GICHD | 2015-2018 Le GICHD appuie l'amélioration constante de la pertinence et de l'efficacité de la lutte antimines. Pour ce faire, il permet aux autorités nationale, aux organismes…

Stratégie Nationale de Lutte Antimines 2018 - 2019

Stratégie Nationale de Lutte Antimines 2018 - 2019

Stratégie Nationale de Lutte Antimines 2018 - 2019 Vision Une République Démocratique du Congo où fin 2019 la menace posée par les mines est éradiquée et celle posée par les REG réduite, où une…

Strategy for Mine Action - Sri Lanka 2006

Strategy for Mine Action - Sri Lanka 2006

Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation for Global Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Rights 2018–2022

Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation for Global Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Rights 2018–2022

In this strategy, Swedish development cooperation commits to promote global gender equality and the full enjoyment of human rights by all women and girls.

Strengthening Property Rights of Women

Strengthening Property Rights of Women

Strengthening the evidence base

Strengthening the evidence base

Strengthening the evidence base Strengthening the case to link mine action to development requires evidence that all actors – from the community up to national government and the international…

Study Linking Mine Action and SDGs Preliminary Findings

Study Linking Mine Action and SDGs Preliminary Findings

Study Linking Mine Action and SDGs Preliminary Findings This brief provides the early results and preliminary recommendations of a joint GICHD-UNDP study exploring the links between mine action and…

Study of deminer working position as input to the CW26

Study of deminer working position as input to the CW26

Study of the Socio-economic Impact of Mine Action in Afghanistan (SIMAA), Revised Draft Report, June 2001

Study of the Socio-economic Impact of Mine Action in Afghanistan (SIMAA), Revised Draft Report, June 2001

Study report: Producing better Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Projects

Study report: Producing better Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Projects