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2200 results:

Mission creep or responding to wider security needs? The evolving role of mine action organisations in Armed Violence Reduction

Mission creep or responding to wider security needs? The evolving role of mine action organisations in Armed Violence Reduction

Mission creep or responding to wider security needs? The evolving role of mine action organisations in Armed Violence Reduction Since the late 1980s, mine action organisations have focused their…

Mission d'évaluation du programme de lutte antimines de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo

Mission d'évaluation du programme de lutte antimines de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo

Mission to Assess Future Sustainable Options of the Lao UXO Trust Fund and the UXO Lao Mine Action Programme

Mission to Assess Future Sustainable Options of the Lao UXO Trust Fund and the UXO Lao Mine Action Programme

Mobile Data Collection: Interoperatbility through new Architecture

Mobile Data Collection: Interoperatbility through new Architecture

Mobile Data Collection: Interoperatbility through new Architecture Published in a special edition on mobile technology, this article covers the following topics:

Modeling the response of electromagnetic induction sensors to inhomogeneous magnetic soils with arbitrary reliefs

Modeling the response of electromagnetic induction sensors to inhomogeneous magnetic soils with arbitrary reliefs

Modélisation par les méthodes de traitement de signal des phénomènes de propagation des ondes électromagnétiques en milieu hétérogène

Modélisation par les méthodes de traitement de signal des phénomènes de propagation des ondes électromagnétiques en milieu hétérogène

Modifying IMSMA Training: The Mine Action Information Management Qualification Scheme

Modifying IMSMA Training: The Mine Action Information Management Qualification Scheme

Modifying IMSMA Training: The Mine Action Information Management Qualification Scheme The Mine Action Information Management Qualification Scheme (MIQ) is a new training tool for the Information…

Modules d’apprentissage en ligne (E-learning) sur la gestion de l'information : Module 3 "Introduction à ArcGIS Survey123" et Module 4 "Introduction aux cartes Web et aux tableaux de bord"

Modules d’apprentissage en ligne (E-learning) sur la gestion de l'information : Module 3 "Introduction à ArcGIS Survey123" et Module 4 "Introduction aux cartes Web et aux tableaux de bord"

Monterey 02 Conference Final Report

Monterey 02 Conference Final Report

More than 20 years of Women in Demining Teams in Kosovo

More than 20 years of Women in Demining Teams in Kosovo

Project Background In Kosovo, women were recruited for the first time in demining teams in 1999, a landmark moment that paved the way for women’s increasing access to employment opportunities in the…