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2374 results:

Regional Conference on the Promotion and Universalization of the Convention on Cluster Munitions | Bali, Indonesia

Regional Conference on the Promotion and Universalization of the Convention on Cluster Munitions | Bali, Indonesia

Second séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et REG à Sénégal

Second séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et REG à Sénégal

Second séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et REG à Sénégal Le second séminaire des acteurs africains francophones de l'action contre les mines et les restes…

Linking Mine Action and Development | States Affected by Mines/ERW

Linking Mine Action and Development | States Affected by Mines/ERW

Linking Mine Action and Development | States Affected by Mines/ERW  Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of…

International Mine Action Standards for Mine Risk Education | Training Manual

International Mine Action Standards for Mine Risk Education | Training Manual

International Mine Action Standards for Mine Risk Education | Training Manual  In October 2003, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) completed a set of seven MRE standards, which were formally adopted as…

Guide de la passation de marchés dans l'action contre les mines

Guide de la passation de marchés dans l'action contre les mines

Guide de la passation de marchés dans l'action contre les mines  Ce guide vise à éclairer les directeurs nationaux, les programmes d’action contre les mines, ainsi que d’autres organisations actives…

Integrating Mine Action with Development : Enhancing Use of Landmine/ERW Hazard Information by Economic Development Actors - Operational guidelines for mine action centers

Integrating Mine Action with Development : Enhancing Use of Landmine/ERW Hazard Information by Economic Development Actors - Operational guidelines for mine action centers

Mine Action Strategy for the Australian Aid Program, 2010-2014

Mine Action Strategy for the Australian Aid Program, 2010-2014

Uncharted territory: land, conflict and humanitarian action

Uncharted territory: land, conflict and humanitarian action

A Guide to the International Mine Action Standards 2010

A Guide to the International Mine Action Standards 2010

A Guide to the International Mine Action Standards 2010 IMAS are standards issued by the United Nations to guide the planning, implementation and management of mine action programmes. They are a…

Test and evaluation of stand-alone ground penetrating radar systems (ITEP Project

Test and evaluation of stand-alone ground penetrating radar systems (ITEP Project