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2351 results:

Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

The impact of armed violence on poverty and development

The impact of armed violence on poverty and development

Unexploded Ordnances/Landmine risk education program

Unexploded Ordnances/Landmine risk education program

Afghanistan - Final report (summary) for humanitarian mine clearance equipment under the research project for developing mine clearance related equipment in Afghanistan

Afghanistan - Final report (summary) for humanitarian mine clearance equipment under the research project for developing mine clearance related equipment in Afghanistan

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mine Clearance Operations in Cambodia

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mine Clearance Operations in Cambodia

Aid Instruments in Fragile States

Aid Instruments in Fragile States

Mine Action in the Midst of Internal Conflict: A report on the Workshop organized by Geneva Call and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines Non State Actors Working Group

Mine Action in the Midst of Internal Conflict: A report on the Workshop organized by Geneva Call and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines Non State Actors Working Group

Mine Action in the Midst of Internal Conflict: A report on the Workshop organized by Geneva Call and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines Non State Actors Working Group Workshop proceedings…

Socio-economic baseline survey, Nuba Mountains, Sudan, Final Draft Report

Socio-economic baseline survey, Nuba Mountains, Sudan, Final Draft Report

Croatia - International Humanitarian Demining Symposium 2005 Use and Testing of Demining Machines

Croatia - International Humanitarian Demining Symposium 2005 Use and Testing of Demining Machines

MV-10 - Testing of the demining machine

MV-10 - Testing of the demining machine