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2374 results:



EORE GAME CHANGERS MARIO QUIÑONES Mario Quiñones’s journey into Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) began in 2009, by chance. An unexpected encounter at a peacebuilding conference in Cúcuta,…



EORE GAME CHANGERS FURAT AL-MALKAWI Furat Al-Malkawi radiates joy and a passion for life. Her dedication to her work brings hope and opens doors wide to new possibilities in the field of explosive…

Ammunition Management Advisory Team

Ammunition Management Advisory Team

AMAT is a global mechanism for practical, authoritative and effective assistance in conventional ammunition through-life management, from the identification of the ammunition through to its…

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Iraq

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Iraq

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Iraq The study comprehensively maps the sustainable development outcomes of mine action activities in Iraq, using the SDGs as an analytical…


Seng's journey into Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Dara Seng had another life before mine action. He was a teacher in Cambodia. There, he found his passion for education and community…

Furat Al-Malkawi

Furat's journey into Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Fural Al-Malkawi radiates joy and a passion for life. Her dedication to her work brings hope and opens doors wide to new possibilities…

Myriam's Story

Myriam's journey into Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Myriam’s story with Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) is one of a kind, unexpected from the start but so full of meaning…

Mamady Gassama

Mamady Gassama has lived many lives. He has worked in finance and served as an interpreter. He also had a life changing experience at the age of 14, which would in time reveal his true calling.…

Request for Offers | Provision of Event Management Services in Ukraine

Request for Offers | Provision of Event Management Services in Ukraine Please click here to see the full RFO requirements   The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian…

Request for Offers | Provision of Interpretation and Written Translation Services

Request for Offers | Provision of Interpretation and Written Translation Services from English into Ukrainian and Vice Versa in Ukraine and Oversees Please click here to see the full RFO…