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30 August 2017

The joint GICHD-SIPRI data and analyses on the incidents of anti-vehicle mines (AVM) was presented at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on Tuesday in the framework of the information meetings on the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. During an event co-organised by the GICHD, the UN office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and UNMAS, the GICHD related the main findings from the study. These data, released earlier in 2017, show 181 reported incidents from AVMs in 22 states and territories in 2016.

The main findings from another long-term GICHD research project -- the Characterisation of Explosive Weapons -- were the basis of a second GICHD presentation, given during a meeting on the humanitarian, technical, legal and military considerations of explosive weapons in populated areas on Wednesday 30 August. This report and its annexes were released in winter 2017. A dedicated website contains the full results and a simulator, showing the effects of five weapons in five populated areas, will be ready for release this fall. 

The informal meetings on the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons will continue at the Palais des Nation in Geneva until Thursday, 31 August.

Categories: Anti-vehicle mines (AVM), International Conventions