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27 November 2017

Twenty years ago, on 3-4 December 1997, the movement to ban landmines brought about the signing of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, also know as the "Ottawa Convention", which has become a reference in humanitarian disarmament.

To commemorate this landmark treaty’s efforts to eradicate landmines and the suffering caused by these weapons, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and Handicap International Switzerland are jointly organizing a public exhibition in Geneva together with the Convention’s Implementation Support Unit.

This exhibition highlights the history of this scourge and the process that, 20 years ago, brought States and civil society together in an unprecedented manner to ban these weapons. It also highlights the role of mine action and Geneva in this particular area, successes achieved and remaining challenges. 


This exhibit is based on an open-air installation on display from 27 November 2017 to 11 December 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Virtual version of the exhibition can bee seen at:

More information:

Press Release

Exhibition Invitation


This exhibition is supported by: