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7 March 2019

Today, International Women's Day, the GICHD is pleased to announce that the Gender and Mine Action Programme has been officially integrated into the GICHD as the newest programme at the Centre.

Under the 2019-2022 GICHD Strategy, Gender equality, inclusion and empowerment of women and girls is one of the four strategic objectives. The integration of GMAP is instrumental in realising this objective and in translating this commitment into tangible support and services to the sector. This integration follows a decade of close cooperation between the two organisations, during which time GICHD hosted GMAP on its premises. Through this integration, gender and diversity considerations will be streamlined even more seamlessly into the knowledge generated and disseminated by the GICHD, including the advice and technical assistance it provides to its partners.

All current staff of GMAP are included in this integration, and together, they will work with GICHD staff to enhance and multiply the effects of the specialised support that GMAP has been providing to the sector for the past 12 years.