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9 March 2016

The Centre has launched a worldwide awareness campaign under the hashtag #TogetherAgainstMines in the lead up to April 4, the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. Its goal is to increase knowledge about the problem of landmines around the world and it asks people to show their support for keeping the issue on the international agenda. 

Mine action organisations, public figures, human security actors and individuals are asked to stand #TogetherAgainstMines by:

  1. Printing or downloading a red triangle from the website
  2. Taking a selfie with the image
  3. Uploading the picture to their social media accounts using the hashtag #TogetherAgainstMines.

Over the last few years, both awareness of and funding for landmine clearance have gone down. The goal of this campaign is to reinvigorate commitment, and stress that the international community step in to complete the necessary land release work. This should translate into major public awareness and engagement and encourage donors to continue to support mine action.

Let's work together, #TogetherAgainstMines!