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29 November 2021

GICHD Mission to Zimbabwe

Last week, The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) visited Zimbabwe for the mid-term strategy review workshop with ZIMAC, HALO Trust, MAG, NPA, and APOPO.

The workshop revealed great progress over the last four years. Zimbabwe is on track to meet its 2025 Article 5 completion deadline as long as the international funding is sustained.

We are grateful for the excellent collaboration and hospitality by ZIMAC. Thanks also to HALO Trust for the fascinating ops visits in Mashonaland Central Province. We had the chance to meet with deminers, visit the densely laid ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ minefields and speak with beneficiaries, including staff at a health clinic constructed after clearance. We look forward to continuing working with ZIMAC and all the operators.