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6 April 2016

On 4 April, to mark the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the GICHD organised a series of events on the Place des Nations and the Maison de la Paix. Over three hundred people attended throughout the day.

On the Place des Nations, visitors watched demining demonstrations from GICHD Advisors. They could also see how the new GPS- and camera-enabled demining dog harness works, which was developed by GICHD and DIGGER DTR and funded by Stiftung Welt ohne Minen (World without mines). Both of these partners also participated in the events on Place des Nations, along with Handicap International, which held a display under the "Broken Chair" sculpture.

At the Maison de la paix, visitors spoke with GICHD Advisors about the impact of landmines and watched a short documentary on the topic. In the morning, student groups listened to a story from a landmine victim.

Finally, among the many visitors who were welcomed that day, the GICHD was especially honoured to receive Jean-Marc Guinchard, President of the Grand Conseil de Genève, and Cornelio Sommaruga, Honorary President of the GICHD.

 See more pictures from the day

All pictures (c) P. Moullet