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12 November 2020

This year, marked by an unprecedented global health crisis, has shown the continuous resilience of the mine action community. We have all worked hard to find innovative ways that ensure the delivery of services to affected communities and States Parties.

On the 16 to 20 November 2020, we, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), will be participating and contributing to the discussions of the 18th Meeting of States Parties (MSP) to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

This year’s meeting, marking one year since the Review Conference and the adoption of the Oslo Action Plan, will be held online in its entirety. This year's MSP marks an important milestone in the work of the Convention. It will be indeed a first opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved over the last year and set a baseline for the years to come. The GICHD looks forward to joining this meeting virtually.

All information and documentation related to the 18MSP APMBC can be found under the following link: