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15 May 2015

The GICHD presented on ammunition safety management and stockpile reduction at the Explosive Asia Conference this week. This three-day event is the largest forum in Asia on the topic of the threat of explosives.

In Southeast Asia, improvised explosive devices (IED), explosive remnants of war (ERW), mines and stockpiled ammunition remain a great challenge: countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar, for instance, suffer from ERW and landmines. At the same time, IED-related threats are increasing: from Syria and Iraq to India, Thailand and the Philippines, terrorist networks are threatening regional and international security. Now, and in Asia in particular, densely populated areas are looking for solutions to urban security and infrastructure protection. The GICHD was pleased to provide its advice and knowledge to this international forum, contributing to the discussion on the promotion of safety and the anti-proliferation of ammunition.