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23 September 2021

On 21 September 2021, the second part of the 2nd Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2RC CM) came to an end. 

The GICHD highly welcomes the adoption of three key substantive documents for the work of the Convention: the Review Document of the Dubrovnik Action Plan, the Lausanne Declaration, and the Lausanne Action Plan 2021-2026. 

The GICHD would like to express its sincere appreciation to the Swiss Presidency of the 2RC CCM for the consultative and transparent approach followed in the elaboration of these documents, in particular the Lausanne Action Plan. Through them, the CCM community has reiterated its undiminished commitment against the use of cluster munitions and laid out a clear road ahead, providing an enabling framework within which our work will be managed and implemented over the next five years.

In addition to the work that took place in the plenary, the GICHD was involved in two side events and co-organized - in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs - the "Lasting Footprints" photo exhibition on the margins of the Conference. For more information, please visit the digital version of the exhibition:

The GICHD would like to thank all those who were involved in making this Conference a success. We also wish all the best to Ambassador Aidan Liddle for the tenth Meeting of States Parties (10MSP) of the CCM. We look forward to continued cooperation with partners at all levels to turn decisions into reality on the ground in the coming years.

Photos: Switzerland at the United Nations.